What do I need to pay attention to when wearing the sensor?

Written by Lukas
Updated 1 year ago
  • Be careful with your towel when drying yourself after showering. Gently pat yourself dry around the sensor instead of rubbing.
  • Don’t sleep on your CGM. We recommend placing it on the arm you prefer not to sleep on.
  • Contact sports/team sports: We recommend using an adhesive.
  • Massages (the therapist may skip that area): We recommend talking to your therapist before or waiting until after you have removed it before going for a massage.
  • When putting on a sports bra we recommend starting with the “sensor-arm” so you have some more wiggle room.
  • The CGM needs to be removed for CT scans and MR scans.
  • There may be a malfunction with vitamin C infusions. Please avoid scheduling a vitamin D infusion during the time you are wearing the sensor.
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