What can I do once my sensor has expired?

Written by Lukas
Updated 1 year ago

After 14 days you need to remove your sensor. You can do this by simply pulling it off like a band-aid. 

Depending on your subscription plan, you chose you might have another sensor to use right after or you might need to wait until your new one arrives.

Generally, your journey with a sensor always has 3 major steps:

  1. Observe: In the first few days just observe what happens in your body when you follow your usual routines, eat like you always do and move and exercise like you normally would. This helps you get a good feeling about your current status.
  2. Explore & Experiment: In the second half of your tracking period with the sensor you can start exploring. This is the fun phase in which you start to test small adjustments, make experiments and start adjusting your habits based on the results you see. You will learn how to use glucose hacks and apply tips to balance your blood sugar and feel better every day. You may first notice changes already in your energy levels, cravings, mood, and sleep quality.
  3. Check-in & Well-being: While you are getting to know your body and its response to food, exercise and sleep when wearing a sensor you can use the time after the tracking duration to adjust your habits. See if you can make small adjustments to improve your 

    well-being. When it's time to check in again with a sensor you can see if your new habits have improved your glucose levels. You can also try new habits or foods to test or experiments you would like to try to advance your health journey even more.

Not wearing a sensor does not mean the focus on your health stops. This is the perfect time to look back and reflect on your journey as well as focus on turning those small changes into habits. Here are some quick tips from a nutritionist to help manage your blood sugar all year round:

  • 🥗 Enjoy some veggies as a starter. It doesn’t always have to be a salad, some celery sticks, kohlrabi or radishes will be a great alternative. 
  • 🍝 Cover your carbs. Add some protein and healthy fats, such as cheese, yogurt, or nuts, whenever you enjoy carbs. 
  • 🤸Move your body after your meals. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown workout, a short, brisk walk, washing your dishes by hand, or some seated soleus raises can already be helpful.

You are on a great path - now it's time to make these healthy habits stick and check in on a regular basis. 

With each tracking phase, you will gather more insights and will become an expert in your own body. When not wearing a sensor keep tracking your food, exercise, and changes. This way when you apply your next CGM you can easily remember what you changed and get inspiration for your next experiments when collecting new data.

You can't wait for your next subscription sensor to arrive?

Ready to see how your new habits and hacks have helped your glucose levels? Or maybe you’re curious to see how your favorite snack affects you. Get another sensor anytime to extend your journey. 

If you have a continuous membership subscription you will also have access to all your prevous sensor data, analytics and insights, including our premium features and programs even after or in between tracking periods.

In case you cancel your membership you will have access to basic data and features but will not be able to access all analytics: Here is an overview of the features. 

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